Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Reading ...

     One thing that I try to do more of every year is read. I basically grew up in  library ( grandmother was a small-town librarian ) and I was reading Stephen King by the time I was 10.  But over the years it's gotten more and more difficult for me to just sit down and read. You almost have to make time for it like going to the gym or walking the dogs.

     Now,  with my iPad,  I have many books with me where ever I go so no more excuses!

I can now cross off another book from my extended summer reading list : World War Z by Max Brooks.  Not a new book by any stretch of the imagination, but one that has been on my reading list for at least 3 years.

from Publisher's Weekly : Brooks, the author of the determinedly straight-faced parody The Zombie Survival Guide (2003), returns in all seriousness to the zombie theme for his second outing, a future history in the style of Theodore Judson's Fitzpatrick's War. Brooks tells the story of the world's desperate battle against the zombie threat with a series of first-person accounts "as told to the author" by various characters around the world. A Chinese doctor encounters one of the earliest zombie cases at a time when the Chinese government is ruthlessly suppressing any information about the outbreak that will soon spread across the globe. The tale then follows the outbreak via testimony of smugglers, intelligence officials, military personnel and many others who struggle to defeat the zombie menace. Despite its implausible premise and choppy delivery, the novel is surprisingly hard to put down. The subtle, and not so subtle, jabs at various contemporary politicians and policies are an added bonus. (Sept.) 


... as a bonus - it's going to be movie starring Brad Pitt. It'll be interesting to see how they translate this to the screen ...
