Part fairy, part imp, part fool, and part unrequited lover... Me and my mostly un-fabulous life, Scooting in and around Denver
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Daily Tao - 334 / Dipper
Bamboo dipper, granite basin.
Crust of ice over inky reservoir.
Moon shimmers in the dipper
Until fullness drains away.
Some people are like dippers. No matter what they try to gather up, it ends up flowing out again. For such people it is exceedingly difficult to accumulate anything in life.If you are like the dipper, that is all the more reason to concentrate the resources that you have. Poverty of any kind need not be a deterrent if you know how to utilize the wealth you possess. You must embrace your fate, work with it, and take advantage of it.
Ultimately, we cannot truly grasp anything permanently in life. We are born naked, we die naked, and in point of fact we live naked. What we take to us -- our clothes, our wealth, our relationships -- are all external to us. They are easily taken away from us by bruising fate.
We try to internalize our experiences and our understanding. Even that can be taken away by stress, senility, poor memory, disorganized thinking, drugs, or shock. Truly, we are all dippers. The little that life offers us dribbles away.
Perhaps even the poorest of situations is rich, because all the futility of life leads us to embrace Tao. After all, it is bigger than all infinities and more subtle than the slightest wisp. To feel it requires great strength. To sense it requires a dragonfly's delicacy. When you tire of trying to hold on to life, you will find the means to enter Tao.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Daily Tao - 333 / Donkey
Dismount your donkey at the summit.
Some places in this world are very hard to climb, and people use animals. Each person can only ride one, and each animal might have a different name. The riders go up the trail in different orders, and they discuss their varying opinions about their experiences. They may even have conflicting opinions : One traveler may think the trip thrilling, another may find it terrifying, and a third may find it banal.At the summit all the travelers stand in the same place. Each of them has the same chance to view the same vistas. The donkeys are put to rest and graze; they are not needed anymore.
We all travel the path of Tao. The donkeys are the various doctrines that each of us embraces. What does it matter which doctrine we embrace as long as it leads us to the summit? Your donkey might be a Zen donkey, mine might be a Tao donkey. There are Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and even Agnostic donkeys. All lead to the same place. Why poke fun at others over the name of their donkey? Aren't you riding one yourself?
We should put aside both the donkeys and our interim experiences once we arrive at the summit. Whether we climbed in suffering or joy is immaterial; we are there. All religions have different names for the ways of getting to the holy summit. Once we reach the summit, we no longer need names, and we can experience all things directly.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hottie of the Week
Justa collection of guys that I find attractive ...
Daily Tao - 332 / Dovetail
"Measure twice, cut once," said the old craftsman.
Only careful planning and patient skill make a dovetail.
Early cabinetmakers were faced with the problem of joining two pieces of wood together at a right angle so that they would bear the stress not only of use but of the weather as well. Especially in places where the summers are hot and humid and the winters are dry and cold, a plank of wood might change its dimensions by a quarter- to a half-inch. Quite enough to make joints fall apart and drawers stick!The dovetail joint holds because the two interlocked pieces of wood expand and contract at the same rate. The direction of the pull is against the locking of the joint. The byproduct of all this fine craft is a joint so precisely fitted that it is a thing of beauty in and of itself.
Cutting a dovetail joint is a demanding skill. The lines must be laid out with great care, and the cutting must be carefully done using a thin saw. The waste must be slowly trimmed away with a sharp chisel until both sides mate tightly. The making of a dovetail joint requires planning, skill, and patience.
Nowadays, cheap synthetic materials do not breathe with the seasons. That might reduce inconvenience, but it has also reduced the chance for another relationship to Tao. For when the cabinetmakers sought to build furniture that was compatible with the wood, the seasons, and their own ingenuity, they were perfectly in tune with Tao.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving !!
Thanksgiving .....
From Wikipedia : Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. While it may have been religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday.[1] It is sometimes casually referred to as Turkey Day.
For me, a day to be with my family. See cousins , nieces , nephews that I only get to see a couple of times a year ( even though we all live in the city ) . A day to miss my father & grandparents who are no longer here. A day to over-eat and swear , over that second helping of mashed potatoes and one more small piece of pumkin pie , that i'll get back to the gym. A day to think about my life and wish that i had more: more friends , more money , more ......
A day to be thankful for what I do have : a loving husband, a loving family, four crazy dogs, a great roommate & great extended "family" of friends & acquaintances online.
My wish for this day - A Safe and Happy Thanksgiving for all
Daily Tao - 329 / Umbilicus
People consider the navel a vestigial nub
And think nourishment only comes through the mouth.
Not so. Tao is the great mother,
And vitality untold lies in the region of the umbilicus.
The old books call Tao the great mother. Tao provides for us as a mother would. It shelters us, nourishes us, makes our life possible. We are literally tied to the vitality of Tao.Lying dormant inside us are point of concentration. Most people are unaware that concentration on these points will yield specific forces, cure ailments, alter consciousness, and still the mind. Like a treasure buried in the ruins of a sacred place, these spots only await discovery before they give their owner wondrous powers.
One such spot is in the area of the navel. When you concentrate there, you will find that great vitality comes your way. It will be as if you are still connected to your mother through the umbilicus, and power and tremendous physical well-being will come your way.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Leaked "Glee" Sectionals Video: Darren Criss Scores Another Hit
Home » Dennis Ayers » Leaked "Glee" Sectionals Video: Darren Criss Scores Another HitComments
Hey Soul Sister!
Posted bymelka (205 points) (43 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 11:54amThe part that really stood out for me was Rachel and Kurt exchanging smiles. I think it's very endearing that Rachel seemed so genuinely enthusiastic and happy for him! Very interesting to contrast with how grim Mr. Shue looked...Average (4 votes):I'm liking her more and more since last night's episode
Posted byGlósóli (2908 points) (594 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 12:20pmShe just stopped being that completely self-centered, one-dimensional cartoon she had been all votesDarren Criss
Posted bydalphine (150 points) (35 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 11:54amHe's just adorable, I can't wait tell next week to see the whole show.Average (1 vote):@melka, agreed about rachel<=>kurt
Posted byBear.Necessity (75 points) (15 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 11:58amIMHO they've written Rachel to be even more self-absorbed and rude this season than last. I'm glad Lea Michele has had a chance to show another side of Rachel, this week with her concern about Kurt and then seemingly next week with what we see in this video.
Darren Criss is dreamy. My 16 year old self totally wants to date him. :D
Average (2 votes):Drama
Posted byAnthony D. Langford (9139 points) (2025 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 11:59amThere must have some sort of drama before this given Kurt's odd behavior. Perhaps Dave showed up at the new school?
Nice performance. Darren Criss is really talented. I like how the kids, especially Racheal were supportive of Kurt even though their are competing against each other.
Still no to Kurt/Blaine, BTW.
Average (1 vote):Almost gave you five stars
Posted byT (2433 points) (489 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 12:07pmUntil I read the last sentence. Lol.
I don`t think Dave is THAT crazy. It`s a several hours drive between two towns from what I heard. Like someone else said in the comments of the recap, Kurt is probably just nervous performing with the new teammates he barely knew (besides Blaine), in front of his friends who he clearly doesn`t want to leave behind.
Average (1 vote):Hmmmmm, good point!
Posted bySam (1171 points) (227 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 12:18pmI hope Dave doesn't show up--but, yeah, Kurt was definitely NOT his normal self in this clip. Damn it! Now I'm going to have another Glee thing to ponder for the next 6 days.
(What? Don't other normal people have "Glee" concerns? I'm like one step away from needing a Glee Intervention.)___________________________________
Coach Tanaka: You're up kid. You make this, we win. You make this, you die a legend.
Kurt: Can I pee first?
no votesVery nice
Posted byPM (588 points) (119 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 12:09pmVery nice, though I hope there's some story behind Kurt & Mr. Shue pulling faces throughout - it was pretty votesBlaine
Posted byjrex (135 points) (27 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 12:45pmOkay, Darren was a hit with "Teenage Dream", but I think with this number he could prove to be a breakout star rather than a one hit wonder.
Kurt looked perfect. His nervousness was spot-on for the new kid jumping in to a new dance routine, and music group at the last minute. Not to mention performing alongside his latest "crush"/friend Blaine in front of all his old New Directions pals.
I understand Mr. Shue being gloomy, but what was up with Puck's scowl?
no votesDiva Moment
Posted byTyler (55 points) (12 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 12:50pmIf I was one of the boys in that Glee club I would be PISSED that the new guy gets to stand just off center in his first week. hahaha I'm having a diva momentno votesWhitney would of cut somebody.
Posted byAlxmouse (935 points) (190 posts)on November 24, 2010 at 01:02pmWas thinking the same thing. And is it me or should it be called Blaine and the warblers? I'm a Blaine fan as much as the next guy, but I hope to see him do something more than a solo backed up by a choir. Or is he the "singing quarterback" of the school?no votes
yay for the Dalton Academy Warblers !!
Daily Tao - 328 / Presence
Lightning rod at the pinnacle
Attracts power by its mere presence.
In the same way, we must work
For substance and height.
If we want communion with heavenly powers, we need only attain the proper spiritual height. Then heaven will come to meet us as surely as lightning is attracted to a lightning rod. The effort is only in the becoming, in the purification of our characters, in the reaching upward. Once the situation is correct, union is inevitable.Some people say, "Who cares about heaven?" Some people say, "Why strain for refinement?" Of course, no one is required to make an effort in life. We can all go the easy way. But then we are still lightning rods. Only the forces we attract are not the powers of heaven, but the powers of demons, misfortune, and predators.
No, there is no true reason why anyone should want to purify for spiritual reasons. The fact is, no matter what kind of person you are, you will attract something to yourself. One of the major ways to control what comes to you is to refine your substance.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
VOTD: 50 Disney Spoilers in 3 Minutes | /Film
in case you've missed a couple of these flicks ...
The All-Most Wonderful Time of the Year ...
so - I spent the last 3 days cowering on the sofa, blankets over my head with the mother of all migraines ...
... alternating between sleeping and watching tv to take my mind off the dull throbbing ache that always hits me after the Migraine Fairy stops by. Thankfully U/A lets me have FMLA so when these things do happen I can stay home.
Now it's back to work for a short week, watching the crowds of Wal-mart cast offs & Aspen-holes trying to figure out where to stuff their luggage , screaming about being accosted by the TSA (again) and why , when they bought their ticket all way last week , we don't have a confirmed seat for them .....
'Tis the season
Daily Tao - 326 / Mysticism
All mystical traditions are one.
They are the seed of all religions.
Tao. Zen. Tantra. Yoga. Kabbalah. Sufi. Mystic Christianity. Shamanism. And so many more secretly treasured by their adherents. These all share the same mystical sense of communion with the divine. Meditation is not something peculiar to one culture.All cultures know a mystical core that emphasizes continuing refinement, meditation, and unification with the greater cosmos. I call that greater order Tao. They call it by different names. What does it matter what people call it? When they discovered what was holy, they uttered different sounds according to their history and culture, but they all discovered the same thing. There is only one divine source in life.
For generations, mystics of all traditions have plunged into Tao. When they meet on the unutterable levels, they know without words that they have reached the same core of spirituality. No matter where in the world you are, there are traditions with the purity to lead you to Tao.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My Unfabulous iPod ...
What's been playing on my iPod this week ....
I love a good compilation disc. Let's face it , most cd's that we buy only have 1 or 2 songs that we really like , so finding a good or even great disc of songs is a treasure. That's where the compilations come in, only good songs all usually centered around a certain theme.
Got Nothing But Song -
from an on-line review : Got Nothing But Song is a collection of vocal jazz from the compilers extraordinaire at Hear Music. The emphasis is most heavily on female songstresses, but the album covers a range of material across the spectrum of vocal jazz. Opening the album is a later cut from Nina Simone's catalog that has an almost husky feel. Immediately following is the combination of husband and wife Louis Prima andKeely Smith with a bouncing swing number accentuated by a thick walking bass. Chris Connor leaves her mark on a low-key rendition of Duke Ellington's "Just Squeeze Me," and Dizzy Gillespie leads a small chorus of happy chanters in "Bang Bang." Betty Carter sings a solid ballad and Blossom Dearie moves between semi-violent lyrics and love poetry. Chet Baker will remind listeners of the cool crooners of the jazz world (as well as providing some worthwhile trumpet work) and Mose Allison redoes an old Willie Dixon number with a surprisingly smooth delivery. Returning to the female domain, Annie Ross (of Lambert, Hendricks & Ross) and the almost predictably included Ella Fitzgerald both add their takes on bop and scat vocals, with Fitzgerald coming up rather more subdued by comparison with Ross.Johnny Hartman's smooth and ultra-deep vocals return the listener to a deceptively calm area, only to be partially broken out of it by Etta Jones' half-wailing vocals. The absolutely necessary-for-any-vocal-jazz-compilation Billie Holiday makes an appearance with a bouncing rendition of "A Fine Romance," Shirley Horncontributes a tribute to Miles Davis, and Jimmy Scott closes the album with a lisp-ful "Bye Bye Blackbird" that holds a quiet power within the delivery. For fans of vocal jazz, there are certainly countless compilations available, many of which have quality items from any number of singers. This one differs a bit in its inclusion of the non-standard items (Gillespie) and the items that only border on jazz proper (Allison), as well as the inclusion of some of the underappreciated performers (Hartman, Ross). The album is certainly worth a listen for those who wish to have a greater appreciation for the range of styles available within the domain of vocal jazz. ~ Adam Greenberg, Rovi
until next week ...
I`m rooting for
Dalton Academy Warblers to win the Sectionals! There I said it.
btw, next week`s episode is titled "Special Education" if I`m not mistaken.
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