Friday, April 29, 2011

Scootn' weather ! - Self Portrait 7

Taken at Little Ivy Chapel

Woayl Redding ...

... Among other stuff, the Queen gave the newlyweds a bunch of new titles of nobility, which is what royals give each other on special occasions instead of personalized coffee mugs. William and Katherine are now the newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Earl and Countess of Strathearn, and Baron and Baroness of Carrickfergus. I wonder if they have to assume their new duties as Baron and Baroness of Carrickfergus right away. It would be a shame if their honeymoon was interrupted by a call that there was a plumbing problem somewhere in Carrickfergus. ... ~ Randi Rhodes my goddess

Thursday, April 28, 2011

re-post from The Rude Pundit


One More Goddamn Birther Post:
Here's the thing about Donald Trump: you can call him a "puke-sucking, human-shaped lump of shit who jacks off while getting fucked in the ass by sweaty sumo wrestlers" and he'd just thank you for the attention. So there's nothing bad you can say about the lying garbage heap because he doesn't care. What you can say is that anyone who gave a goddamn what he has to say about anything any time is a fucking imbecile. If you take your political advice from the man who "fired" LaToya Jackson from a fake job on a shitty TV show with a straight face, then you pretty much deserve whatever terrible things are coming your way.

Yesterday, we were greeted to the media version of a police stop and frisk. For the crime of presidenting while black, Barack Obama was forced to prove his innocence. The whole spectacle of the release of the so-called "long-form" birth certificate and Obama's speech after was degrading to all of us. In one way, the White House paid a ransom to the racists who were constantly attacking him. In another, it was a rather masterful political move by the White House: let's call a bluff and demonstrate just how irrational these fuckers are. Oh, and let's get a shitload of sympathy from the the left, who have been kicking our asses lately. Because this liberal Obama critic felt nothing but sympathy for the man yesterday for being told, as others have eloquently put it, to show us your papers. What a childish nation we are.

How mind-boggling is this? And how sadly not unexpected. And what's also sadly not unexpected is the reaction from the birthers. It's a forgery, it's not enough, it needs to go through forensics testing, what about his grades, what about his Social Security number, what about his Muslim connections, what about, what about, show us, show us. Seriously, could you guys just start saying, "That uppity nigger should be lynched"? Could you say that you're all het up because he looked at Hillary Clinton funny? Could you just stop pretending that anything else - anything else - is going on here other than that you hate black people with power? Because what you're doing is asking someone to prove shit when you don't have a scintilla of real evidence to support the crime you're accusing Obama of committing. What's next? Dig up his dead father to get DNA samples?

Shit, could Obama just get an intern to blow him in the Oval Office? Because, at this point, that fucking debacle makes sense. Hell, calling Bill Clinton a coke-snorting murderer just seems quaint.

Last night, the Rude Pundit was driven to MSNBC in a very big SUV that lacked a bar. The chauffeur asked what the Rude Pundit was going to talk about on the news network. When he said the birth certificate nonsense, the chauffeur went on about how it's a fake, how Obama "lies" all the time. "Every word out of his mouth is a lie," he said when the Rude Pundit asked him for one example. So of course the birth certificate was another lie. "Why did he keep it secret? What does he not release his marks in school?" the driver went on. He parroted every conspiracy website, every Fox "news" bullshit meme, every talk radio talking point: Obama gets all his power from illegal immigrants; Obama uses Chicago-style political tactics (which really just means "Democrats not acting like pussies"); and, of course, of course, Obama is a Muslim who is obviously attempting to destroy America with tactics straight out of Mein Kampf. Oh, and liberals want to kill all their enemies. It was fucking surreal.

So, yeah, we have a bigger birth certificate. But those who despise the president for existing don't give a happy monkey fuck and will continue to challenge Obama's legitimacy until he declares he is white. Otherwise, if they accepted the birth certificate and moved the fuck on, they'd have to deal with "issues" and use their so-called "brains."

By the way, on the way home, the same driver was bemoaning the treatment of Sarah Palin's children by the media. When the Rude Pundit pointed out how right-wingers talked about Chelsea Clinton, the driver said, "Well, she has terrible parents. And she was kind of ugly."

By the way, the one thing the Rude Pundit and the chauffeur agreed on was, as he put it, "Donald Trump is an ass."

I love this guys writing - I wish I could write like him ...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog Challenge ...


64 days / 64 questions ..... Grilled Cheesus help me : 

1. Introduce yourself with a recent picture and 15 interesting facts 

2. Meaning behind your blog name 

3. Your first love 

4. Your parents 

5. A song to match your mood 

6. A picture of something that makes you happy 

7. Favorite movies 

8. Something you’re afraid of 

9. Favorite TV shows 

10. Something you don’t leave the house without 

11. Bible verse 

12. Dream house 

13. Something you’re looking forward to 

14. Favorite Place to Eat 

15. Something you miss 

16. Nicknames 

17. Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why? 

18. Something you’ve learned 

19. Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs 

20. Your Dream Wedding 

21. Something that stresses you out 

22. 3 Wishes 

23. 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge 

24. Your favorite song 

25. Your favorite book 

26. Your favorite quote 

27. A photo that makes you angry/sad 

28. A song that makes you cry (or nearly) 

29. An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) 

30. A talent of yours 

31. A hobby of yours 

32. A recipe 

33. A website 

34. A YouTube video 

35. Your day, in great detail 

36. Your week, in great detail 

37. This month, in great detail 

38. This year, in great detail 

39. Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days 

40. Something you ate today. 

41. Your idea of the perfect first date. 

42. An animal you’d love to keep as a pet. 

43. The item you last purchased. 

44. Y our favorite place to eat. 

45. A TV show you’re currently addicted to. 

46. Your celebrity crush. 

47. Something you crave a lot. 

48. A letter to someone who has hurt you recently. 

49. A photo of something that means a lot to you. 

50. How have you changed since last year. 

51. Something you could never get tired of doing. 

52. Talk about a regret you have. 

53. Share a story from your childhood. 

54. Explain how you got one of your scars. 

55. How do you think others view you? 

56. A poem you wrote. 

57. Tell us about your best friend. 

58. A talent of yours. 

59. Your deepest fear. 

60. Reveal your most guilty pleasure. 

61. If you have tattoos, show them. If not, talk about the tattoos you want or why you don’t think they are right for you. 

62. Talk about the last “random act of kindness” you encountered. 

63. The last thing that made you cry. 

64. Say something to your 15 year old self. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

On this episode of Hoarders ...


Ok.  I'll admit it.  I have a problem.

I'm a bag guy ( or murse , or man bag , or ... whatever ) . Hey , even Indy carried a murse ...

I hate stuffing shite in my pockets. Wallet, keys, lip balm, phone.  

Because of that I'm a bag freak. I think I'm on more than I'm on Facebook. I'm always on a quest to find that perfect bag.  You know , the one with just the right amount of pockets to size to material to style. Then you have the backpack/messenger/sling/satchel debate... I'll get one that I think I'll like and it's either too small or too big or doesn't have a space for my iPhone/iPad charger or whatever and I'll start my quest all over.

I can't begin to count the number of bags I've bought over the years and then proceeded to tossed into a corner after a couple of months. By now the b/f just rolls his eyes and say "ANOTHER???" and i'll sheepishly smile and try to explain/justify why *this* bag/backpack is just the one I've been looking for.

I fully expect to see a camera crew show up for either Hoarders or Intervention along with my family a counselor and maybe Dr. Drew ...

Because you see , I've just found this great leather satchel ...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Comfort-Food Monday ...

Taken at Fraggle Rock

A Game of Thrones ...

Growing up reading Tolkien , Terry Brooks and Robert Jordan gave me a huge appreciation of fantasy ( both high and low ). But nothing has really grabbed me like the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin. 

More "reality" based than Tolkein , but with an underlying current of fantasy/supernatural that really kept me reading. Also enough political intrigue to choke a Koch brother. 

Now HBO has made the first of the series A Game of Thrones into a series , and boy does it look good !   I'm really looking forward to this...