Monday, April 11, 2011

On this episode of Hoarders ...


Ok.  I'll admit it.  I have a problem.

I'm a bag guy ( or murse , or man bag , or ... whatever ) . Hey , even Indy carried a murse ...

I hate stuffing shite in my pockets. Wallet, keys, lip balm, phone.  

Because of that I'm a bag freak. I think I'm on more than I'm on Facebook. I'm always on a quest to find that perfect bag.  You know , the one with just the right amount of pockets to size to material to style. Then you have the backpack/messenger/sling/satchel debate... I'll get one that I think I'll like and it's either too small or too big or doesn't have a space for my iPhone/iPad charger or whatever and I'll start my quest all over.

I can't begin to count the number of bags I've bought over the years and then proceeded to tossed into a corner after a couple of months. By now the b/f just rolls his eyes and say "ANOTHER???" and i'll sheepishly smile and try to explain/justify why *this* bag/backpack is just the one I've been looking for.

I fully expect to see a camera crew show up for either Hoarders or Intervention along with my family a counselor and maybe Dr. Drew ...

Because you see , I've just found this great leather satchel ...