Sitting at home nursing another (chronic)migraine i decided to pop in my classic Warner Bros. Bugs Bunny dvd's to try and divert my already throbbing head to other, more frivolous , matters. Now this is the first time I have watched these in years and I was curious how the 'toons would look on the new 60" LED 1080p tv HellBaby bought us last month.
Simply put, I was gobsmacked. There was Bugs like I've never seen him before. I could make out the brush-strokes in Bug's gray fur & Daffy's yellow feet. I could see the dust in backgrounds from years of transfers. I was completely enthralled by the complexity of hand-drawn animation from 70 years ago..... And there was my beloved Gossamer, in all his red-furred glory , getting his nails did ...
I love my new tv