Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just Another Day ....

01_Just_Another_Day.m4a Listen on Posterous
yes , it has come around again.

 Seems to get here a bit quicker every year . Not that I don't like birthday's , just that I really could care less any more.

Back in the olden days ( because i'm getting old enough to use phrases like that now ) , I had fun with my birthday. I can remember my Grandma asking me what kind of frosting to put on the cake and me responding with all the sincerity that an eight year old can muster - "purple"  ( nobody but me ate that cake that year ).  Or the fun cakes that my mom baked for us growing up - 

( not *this* particular turtle , but you get the idea )

Now , it's just another day.

Now , i'll spend the day like I do every more recent year.  In bed, with the covers over my head , waiting for it all to be over ...