Part fairy, part imp, part fool, and part unrequited lover... Me and my mostly un-fabulous life, Scooting in and around Denver
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What's been playing ...
... on my iPhone / Pad this week.

This was a find for me. Trolling iTunes last week checking out the "what's free" stuff I found a free download for Punching in a Dream. Th e user reviews year very positive referencing groups like MGMT and M83. I thought "what the hell" and grabbed it without even listening to it.

Young Blood is a great pop single -
But my favorite on the album is The Sun

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Finally ....
I finally made my first appointment for physical therapy for my injured shoulder. I have to say , the people at kaiser are great! Brett ( my p/t guy ) is knowledgable, funny, friendly and good at his job ) He thinks my injury is just minor and I should be back to 80-90% in 6 weeks or so ....

Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fall Back - Spring ??? ...
There are certain signs that Spring is right around the corner: Punxsutawney Phil being dragged out of his comfy home, the crocus popping up amid what little snow we've had here in CO and most of all :

Yes , whilst sitting at home yesterday nursing another migraine , i heard the faint sound of the familiar music playing through the neighborhood. This brought back memories of running to mom and dad and asking(begging) for a dollar for that Bomb Pop or Dreamsicle.
I almost ran outside myself to grab a sweet sweet treat when I had a thought :
isn't it a bit too early for the Ice Cream Man ???

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Just Another Day ....

Seems to get here a bit quicker every year . Not that I don't like birthday's , just that I really could care less any more.
Back in the olden days ( because i'm getting old enough to use phrases like that now ) , I had fun with my birthday. I can remember my Grandma asking me what kind of frosting to put on the cake and me responding with all the sincerity that an eight year old can muster - "purple" ( nobody but me ate that cake that year ). Or the fun cakes that my mom baked for us growing up -

Now , it's just another day.
Now , i'll spend the day like I do every more recent year. In bed, with the covers over my head , waiting for it all to be over ...