Thursday, January 8, 2009


I have the very unfortunate problem of suffering from migraines ... currently I have had one for about 3 days , so I decided to give everyone a quick explination of what a migraine is ....

Migraine is a type of headache marked by severe head pain lasting several hours or more.
Migraine is an intense, often debilitating type of headache. Migraines affect as many as 24 million people in the United States, and are responsible for billions of dollars in lost work, poor job performance, and direct medical costs. Approximately 18% of women and 6% of men experience at least one migraine attack per year. More than three million women and one million men have one or more severe headaches every month. Migraines often begin in adolescence, and are rare after age 60.
Two types of migraine are recognized. Eighty percent of migraine sufferers experience "migraine without aura," formerly called common migraine. In "migraine with aura" ( the ones I get ...), formerly called classic migraine, pain is preceded or accompanied by visual or other sensory disturbances, including hallucinations, partial obstruction of the visual field, numbness or tingling, or a feeling of heaviness. Symptoms are often most prominent on one side of the body, and may begin as early as 72 hours before the onset of pain.

Migraine with Aura -
Migraine aura: Sensory phenomena that may occur before a migraine. Visual auras may include flashing lights, geometric patterns, or distorted vision. Some people may have aural auras involving hearing sounds (usually buzzing), olfactory auras involving smelling odors not actually present, or tactile auras that present as a premonitory physical sensation. Auras are caused by unusual activity in the brain. The auras experienced by migraine sufferers are very similar to those associated with epilepsy.

I really hate these ....

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